Recently I started experimenting with Highcharts to visualize our conference metrics in the browser. Here’s a sample. Conference organizers may find these useful. Click (tap) on conference names in the legend below each plot to enable those series. The data is stored in this GitHub repo and loaded dynamically on page load.
Number of papers submitted to the main research track. Update: For MSR this is the number of full papers submitted to the main research track. Thanks to Tom Zimmermann for the clarification.
Ratio between the number of accepted full papers and the number of submissions.
Number of PC members.
Ratio between number of submissions and number of PC members. If each submission is reviewed by 3 PC members, multiply each value by 3 to see how many submissions are assigned to each PC member.
Fraction of PC members in a given year which are new with respect to the previous year.
Fraction of accepted papers that have been co-authored by new authors, i.e., papers for which none of the authors published at any of the previous 4 editions of this conference.
Fraction of accepted papers that have been co-authored by at least one PC member.
You can contribute additional data by submitting pull requests to this repository.
More details about the metrics:
How healthy are software engineering conferences? Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., Mens, T., Brand, M.G.J. van den, and Pek, E. Science of Computer Programming 89, Part C, (2014), 251–272.